All you want to know about the success of your mushroom culture centre
The setting up of a mushroom room needs expertise and experience. Thermo Réfrigération supplies equipments for more than 35 years. We propose solutions entirely internal designed.
Our expertise for your project:
- engineering: project production in mushroom industry,
- assistance during the construction of composting plants and culture centres,
- technical installations: air treatment systems and equipments in order to create a good climate as well as odour control,
- regulation: regulation techniques for all composting and mushroom culture process.
Wide-ranging project? Small projects too!
All the projects are not industrial scale. Off course, our teams can supply you for small mushrooms centres units. On shelves, trays or on blocks, we supply you for all cooling equipments for storage and preservation.
Just add innovation to your installations!
The success of your yield is based on a good ventilation system. The major matter of mushrooms culture centres is power energy (a lot of heating) and important ventilation and watering costs.
We advise you on a lot of equipments within our support process to energy and environmental efficiency:
- composting: phase I – II – III,
- culture rooms: phase IV,
- heat, heating and steam recovery,
- production of cold and water cooler,
- air handling unit, ventilation, filtration, control of pressure, of temperature, of relative and absolute humidity and of CO2,
- deodorization,
- regulation, supervision, energy efficiency driving…
Our expertise
- Culture rooms
- Culture cells
- Heat recovery
- Production of cold
- Control of airflow and pressures
- Chillers
- Energy efficiency driving …