
Opt for technical and regulatory peace of mind for your installations

Why should you subscribe to a maintenance contract?

A maintenance contract means above all the guarantee of a dedicated service support, in order to insure a technical and regulatory serenity for your installations. Thus, you could concentrate fully in your core.

  • Sustainability of equipments
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Reduction of failure rate
  • Optimisation of the energy performance
  • Control of operating costs
  • Tracking with personalised extranet
  • Promotion in case of reselling

What are Thermo Réfrigération solutions?

Technical solutions
Our technical solutions allow us to know your needs for the maintenance of your different installations. Thus, we can propose you adapted services for all of them.

Regulatory solutions
The F-Gas regulation makes necessary to do several regulatory controls (leakage test). The frequency of these controls will be determined depending on refrigerant charge inside your installation.

We propose you personalized options in order to meet your needs. We can integrate cleaning of exchangers for a better high-level efficiency of your installations. Regulation sensors control with a certificate of calibration; as well as troubleshooting and spare parts.

Transparence, availability, connectivity and proximity

Our customers have an access at the tracking of preventive and curative interventions in real time, with the following services:

  • complete transparence of the maintenance with work sheets passed by email after the intervention
  • all the work sheets and informations about the fluids are recorded
  • an Extranet access to track in real time the progress of interventions of our company on clients’sites.

We apply the same philosophy than Vinci Energies and Réseau Froid. We are commited to answer with reactivity our customers’requests:

  • a dedicated team for maintenance and after sale service in 5 agencies
  • a precise diagnosis by phone before planning the intervention

For any question, please contact us

To go further

Who we are?

opérateurs techniciens frigoriste réglages groupe ammoniac

Areas of Activities

technicien qui réalise la maintenance et réglages sur groupe froid

Expertise and services

performance énergétique

Energetic Performance